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So Many Benefits of Breastfeeding


There are several benefits of breastfeeding your baby. Not only is it a natural and beautiful thing, it enables a mother to provide her new born baby with everything that she needs for a healthy start to life.

There are so many benefits of breastfeeding and almost no consequences. Babies that breastfeed are found to have a healthier body weight and are less susceptible to sickness.

Breastfed babies, although they love to nurse, will stop when they are full. And a breastfed child also take in essential antibodies from their mothers’ milk that fights off infections and other illnesses that can be very harmful to a developing baby. The benefits of breastfeeding are practically endless.

The benefits of breastfeeding also include the absolutely essential mother and child bond that is developed during the first few months of life. If a mother does not spend this one-on-one time with her baby, experiencing such close and personal contact, the mother and baby could experience emotional distress.

Every baby deserves a healthy beginning and the many benefits of breastfeeding are absolutely essential to a baby’s health. If you are pregnant and you want to breastfeed your baby, you should know that it is an easy way to provide your baby the healthy start that she deserves.

The following are some simple instructions to teach you how to properly feed your baby.

First, you should sit in a comfortable position with your back straight and your lap flat. If you wish, you can position a pillow on your lap to support your newborn during breastfeeding.

Now to position your newborn properly during breastfeeding, turn your baby’s body toward your tummy. In this position, your baby’s bottom should be resting on your elbow and your baby’s head, neck and shoulders should be supported by your forearm and hand.

To start breastfeeding, position your baby’s nose directly in front of your nipple. Allow your baby’s head to tip back gently and slightly. Then gently put your baby’s lips against your nipple until her mouth opens very wide.

At this point during breastfeeding you should quickly bring your baby’s bottom lip and chin against your breast. In this position, your baby will breathe easily. You should be able to feel the baby’s mouth on a large portion of your breast.

You may need to support your breast just to make your baby more comfortable during breastfeeding. It is also very important that you are comfortable. You should be relaxed and you should be able to hear your baby swallowing softly.

If it does not feel right, you should stop and start over.

Christine Gray is a recognized authority on the subject of pregnancy. Her website Pregnancy Exposed provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you will need to know about breastfeeding. All rights reserved. Articles may be reprinted as long as the content and links remains intact and unchanged.

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